Monday, February 17, 2025

Bright Pink

By Kay Heitsch

Last week, I experienced something odd I would like to share with you.
As most of you know, I like to shovel. In the mornings, I am outside early. Since the sun hasn't risen yet, I don't wear sunglasses. One day, I was out later than usual, and the sun came out. When I came inside, everything was bright pink.
It scared me, so I went online to see if anything had been written about it. Sure enough, there was.
I read that what I was experiencing was called Afterimage. It's where your eye's photoreceptor cells become fatigued after exposure to intense light, causing the complementary color bright pink to be perceived when looking at something else.
I was happy to find that I wasn't looking through bloody eyes. From now on, I'll wear sunglasses when I'm outside.

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