Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thank You Father

by Kay Heitsch

As this is the month of Thanksgiving, I'd like to share a touching story that happened at the Memory Care Center.

Ken, one of our residents, came in with a feeding tube. After some time, the feeding tube was removed, and he was able to eat pureed food. The first day Ken was given his pureed food, Ken dug right in like there was no tomorrow. After he had eaten it all, he began to pray out loud. In a loud voice, Ken prayed, "Our Father who art in heaven, thank you for this delicious food I have just eaten." Ken went on and on praising God for this mashed-up food.

I was moved by Ken's prayer. I know I may have felt like complaining if I had to eat this food, but Ken was thankfully praising God. I realized then that I take so much for granted.

This Thanksgiving season, I pray that I will be thankful for the simple things in life and not take them for granted.

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