Thursday, May 30, 2024

Family Get-Together

By Kay Heitsch

This last Sunday, we had a family get-together at our home. We had 17 people, my first time having so many people at the house. It made my heart happy to see Bill, his brothers, and his cousin together. Everyone seemed to have a good time. GJ and Freddy kept everyone entertained.
Funny, this started with only a few stopping over to see Brandon, Veronica, and the boys. As word spread, others wanted to come over, too, so we made it a potluck.
As most of you know, I went all out with my patriotic decorations as it was Memorial Day weekend. I've taken a few down, but I left several up. The 4th of July and the election are coming, so why take them down?
The skunk traps were removed right before the get-together. So no one had to step over the one trap. So far, the skunk hasn't come back.
The older I get, the more I realize how important it is to make good memories and spend time with family.
I so enjoyed having a house full of people here. I plan to do this again, God willing.

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