Friday, October 8, 2021

Is That It?

by Kay Heitsch

I had an extraordinary friend by the name of Dimple. She was one of the most spiritual people I have ever met. I'm not sure how old Dimple was, but she always said she was pushing 100.
Dimple and I spent a lot of time together. On many occasions, we would go out to lunch. Before we ate, Dimple would pray. I was surprised at her simple prayers. Sometimes she would close her eyes, but many times she just spoke. For instance, she may say, "Father, thank You for this special time I can spend with Kay, and thank You for this food." Amen
I was a new Christian at the time, and I remember thinking, "Is that it?" I had heard people pray many times, and they blessed everyone from ten buck two and went on and on until the food was almost cold.
Because of Dimple's relationship with God, she talked to Him as her friend. She didn't need to go on and on in her prayers. Knowing Dimple, I'm sure she had conversations with the LORD all day long.
I'm thankful the LORD brought Dimple into my life. She taught me so much about how to live in a simple personal relationship with God.

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