Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Door Bell

by Kay Heitsch

The doorbell rang.

My friend Jean* was recently told she had cancer. Even though she had been keeping a great attitude and was trusting God, she was still dealing with the effects of this horrible disease.

Now back to the doorbell. Jean's husband, Joe*, answered the door. He was surprised to see a man and a boy, he did not know, standing there. The man explained that he had actually lived in Jean and Joe's house as a boy years before. He was wondering if it would be possible to come in and show his son the house. Joe, being a friendly kind of guy, invited them in.

I'm sure it was evident that Jean wasn't in the best shape to this man, and somehow he was told of her condition. Much to Jean's delight, she found out that this man was actually the pastor of a large church in NYC. He prayed over Jean and invited her and Joe to his church. He told them they would be given the best seats in the house.

Jean told me the whole experience was like a dream. I don't know about you, but this story blessed me so much. It was remarkable that God sent this pastor and his son to visit Jean in her time of need. Jean tangibly felt God's love as this minister Let the SON Shine through him that day.

*names changed

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great "story" Kay!

Love ya,