Saturday, April 18, 2015

Special Blessings Journal

 Kay Heitsch
While watching Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer, she suggested doing something I thought was a great idea. Joyce said she kept a journal of things she saw during the day that she felt were special blessings from God. I know people talk about "good breaks," "luck," etc., but for a Christian, I see these things as Joyce does as God showing me His love. I decided to start a journal too and call mine a "Special Blessings."

I had this idea, but now I needed something to write in. I know how I am, so I was hesitant to begin looking for something. I can get distracted looking in boxes, so I ask the Lord to help me find something quickly. I opened the first box in a closet,,, nothing. The second box, however, had a beautiful journal I had never even written in. Janet Lindon had given me this journal when I left Dover, Ohio, in the 1990s. I saw this unique find my "first" special blessing of the day God gave me.

I share this with you because I think it's a beautiful idea to write down things that happen to us that we sometimes take for granted.

I hope to look back in this journal and remember all the special blessings God has done for me.

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