Sunday, July 23, 2023

Is That You, Lord?

By Kay Heitsch

God knows there will be times when we question His voice. The good news is He keeps speaking amid our uncertainty. ~ Hearing God's Voice Quotes ~
God speaks to us in many different ways. Of course, the #1 way is through the Bible, but He also speaks in other ways.
Years ago, I was home alone in the bathroom doing my hair. All of a sudden, I heard a voice calling my name. I stepped out of the bathroom and looked around. No one was there. I felt no fear and thought I must have been mistaken. This happened two more times. I started to question. Is that You, Lord?
Finally, I remembered the story about Samual and said, "Speak, Lord, Your servant is listening."(1 Samuel 3:10).
Immediately, the phone rang. I answered it, and much to my surprise, it was the Peale Center calling, asking if they could get my permission to publish a letter I had written Dr. Peale.
After all of the beautiful things that have happened because of the publication of that letter, I know without a doubt the voice I heard that morning was the Lord's voice.
God knows there will be times when we question His voice. The good news is He keeps speaking amid our uncertainty.

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