Saturday, November 14, 2015

Storing Up Ammunition

by Kay Heitsch

I've known people who store up ammunition. I'm not talking about ammo for guns, but negative ammunition to use on people. Why anyone wants to keep this negative stuff stored in their minds is beyond me, but they do. I've done it myself.

Whenever someone does anything that they don't like, they get their ammunition and let them have it. "Well, I remember this, that, or the other that you said or did" is how people start to unload the ammunition. After it's all over, everyone feels bad.

Wouldn't it be nice if we would start to store up some positive ammunition instead of the negative? When we have an opportunity to unload on someone, it would be from the positive ammunition we've been storing up.

I think I'll start to think of some good things about people I know and start storing up some ammunition.

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