Thursday, January 14, 2016

Happy Birthday Shannon

by Kay Heitsch

Today is our daughter Shannon's 39th birthday. Now she can be like Jack Benny...39 and holding. grin emoticon

It doesn't seem possible that she could be this age. I remember well the day that she was born. I started to have labor pain in the morning, so I called the doctor, and the office told me to come on over. The doctor examined me then gave these instructions, "Go on over to the hospital and don't stop at McDonald's on the way."

Bill decided that he should come to the labor room with me. After all, he had attended some natural childbirth classes with me. Let's just say I wasn't exactly willing to listen to his instructions. The nurses, plus a class of nursing students, came in to observe, so they asked him to leave as they didn't need his help.

Shannon arrived, and the hospital staff said she was the most beautiful baby in the nursery. I totally agreed! It wasn't until I walked down and noticed that Shannon was the only baby in the nursery. I had to smile!

Shannon is as beautiful today as she was the day she was born. We're so proud of the woman she is. Shannon's a great daughter, sister, wife, and mom.

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