by Kay Heitsch
"Two of the most important words we can utter in our prayer time are, CHANGE ME!"
Over the years, I've wanted God to change other people or change my circumstances, so I could be happier. I hadn't ever thought about God changing me.
Later in life, much to my surprise, I came to this understanding. Maybe I needed to change. Maybe God wanted to change me and my attitude more than He was interested in changing others and my circumstances to keep me happy.
Once I started to pray, "God changes me." I began to enjoy life more. My happiness didn't depend on people or my circumstances. If things never changed, I was somehow still going to enjoy my life because slowly, God was changing me.
The day I gave my life to the Lord, I said, "God, you know what you were gettin' when you got me. Have at it!" God had His work cut out, but I was no surprise to God! When I said, "Have at it!" I guess I was really saying, Change me!
I may not be where I need to be, but at least I'm not where I used to be. I'm pressin' on!
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