Thursday, October 1, 2015

Give Your Feelings A Kick In The Can!

by Kay Heitsch

Last night I had to give my feelings a kick in the can! I received a phone call that was upsetting. I'll admit I was ticked off hearing about what someone had said to someone I love. Bill had sent me a text while I was on the phone, so before I thought, I told him what had been said, and now Bill was angry too.

Before I knew it, I thought of calling a few other people to let them know what was going on. Thank God it was late because I had enough sense not to call and get several different people upset.

I'd heard Joyce that morning on her TV program, Enjoying Everyday Life," say this line, "Give your feelings a kick in the can!" regarding not being controlled by how you feel. I knew I needed to put this into practice now. I asked the Lord to please help me!

As I got into bed, I thought of the text, "Don't let the sun go down on your anger." Ephesians 4:26 I knew I had to put this situation in the Lord's hands by faith and let it go.

Giving my feelings a 'kick in the can' wasn't easy, but I can say I slept very well last night, and I plan to enjoy this day not filled with anger.

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