Friday, July 19, 2019

Miss Kitty

by Kay Heitsch

Many years ago, there were no leash laws. People's pets were allowed to roam around freely. It was hard to tell sometimes if an animal was someone's pet or a stray.

While we lived in Kentucky, there was a cat I named Miss Kitty who came to visit every so often. When she arrived, she would meow at the front door. When I heard the meow, I'd run to find some food and water and take it out to her. She would eat, drink, stay a short while, then she would be on her way.

There was a time I didn't see Miss Kitty. I wondered what had happened to her. Then one day, I heard the familiar meow at the front door. When I opened the door, I was surprised! There was Miss Kitty with a tiny kitten in her mouth. After making a big fuss about the little kitten to Miss Kitty, I ran back into the house to get some food and water. I felt sad when I came back to see that Miss Kitty and the kitten were gone.

It wasn't long, and Miss Kitty was back again meowing at the door. This time with another little kitten. This back and forth parade went on until she had shown me all four kittens.

The kindness I had shown Miss Kitty boomeranged right back to me when she brought her four kittens to the door.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Just Be Yourself

by Kay Heitsch

My Aunt Carmeleta was the wife of my mother's youngest brother Fred. Even though my Uncle Fred died many years ago and Aunt Carmeleta is now married to Ken, I still consider her aunt.

Everyone should have a wonderful aunt like Aunt Carmeleta. I lived with her and my Uncle Fred for a year when I was a teenager. Like a lot of teenagers, I had issues with people who talked negatively about me. If you've ever had this happen, you'll understand how hurtful it is.

I'd talk to Aunt Carmeleta about these hurtful things, and she would always say, "Just be yourself." This was great advice! In fact, it has been some of the best advice I have ever received. I learned that not everyone is going to like you, and that's okay. Just be yourself.

When my husband Bill met Aunt Carmeleta for the first time, he didn't think she was for real. He questioned, "How could anyone be so nice and not be a fake?" But he's found out through the years some people can be this nice and be for real.

I've never forgotten the advice to "Just be yourself." We need more people in this world who give great advice and are kind and loving like my Aunt Carmeleta.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Just Breathe & Have Faith

by Kay Heitsch

I had to put the following quote into practice 25 years ago when I was asked to read 1 Corinthians 13 at my precious friend Evy's wedding.

"Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess, just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best."

You may wonder why on earth would read 1 Corinthians 13 be so tricky? Well, there's a good reason why.

Our son, Todd, was a very close friend of Evy. After Todd's death, Evy and I became close friends too. Evy would stop over at our home and spend time with me. Every year on Todd's death, Evy would send me a white rose in memory of Todd.

What was interesting is that Evy was going to marry a man named Todd. I kept thinking, wondering, imagining when I heard the minister say 'Todd' that I would start crying.

I'm here to tell you that I did breathe and put my faith in the Lord that day. Before I read 1 Corinthians 13, I put this verse in my mind, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13.

I did read 1 Corinthians 13, and I didn't cry. Everything did work out for the best, and now 25 years later, Todd and Evy are still married.

Monday, July 8, 2019

A Kind Unselfish Heart

by Kay Heitsch

Our son Todd died suddenly in a car accident at the age of 16. Todd had been a cross country runner in high school. Todd and Andrew were teammates.

On the day of Todd's calling hours, Andrew came to show his respects. My eyes filled with tears when I saw Andrew placed some of his cross country medals in the casket with Todd. I walked over and asked Andrew why he was putting these medals in the coffin. Andrew explained that he would win more awards in the years to come, and he knew that Todd couldn't.

I will never forget this unselfish act of kindness and Andrew's generous heart.