Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How Was Your Day?

by Kay Heitsch

Today as a regular Planet Fitness member was about to leave, he turned around and asked, "How was your day?" I chuckled and answered, "Great as always!" He looked puzzled and replied, "How's that?"

Just then, a man I had never seen before walked towards us. I noticed what was written on the front of his sweatshirt. I pointed at him. He stopped, and I read the words on his sweatshirt out loud. "Got Jesus?"

I smiled and said, "There's your answer to why I have a great day every day. I got Jesus!"

I told them I didn't always have Jesus, so I know the difference in living life with or without Him. I just so happened to have some "In Loving Memory of Todd" in my bag, so I gave each one a copy.

Yes, today was another great day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


by Kay Heitsch

I love today's quote, "Never put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket." Wow, how true is that!

It's natural for us to put the key to our happiness in someone else's or our circumstance's pocket. We don't think of it that way, but for most of us, we do just that.

The poems, "I'll be happy when... speak volumes to this.

The key to our happiness is in our own pocket. It's not someone else's job to keep us happy.

The Bible verse I put on today, "This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 NASB is a favorite of mine.

I choose to be HAPPY today! How about you?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


by Kay Heitsch

Today I thought about a poem I heard many years ago. It went something like this. Only one life will soon be passed. Only what's done for Christ will last.

I think this poem has a point. "Only one life it will soon be past." Our life here is but a breath, according to the Bible. Here today and gone tomorrow. We never know when our last day maybe. I sure didn't see the day our son Todd (16) walked out the back door that it was his last. Life can happen very quickly.

Now the line, "Only what's done for Christ will last." I believe this is also true. The Bible talks about casting our crowns before Him when we get to Heaven. Why would people do that? Could it be they know that whatever good they did on this earth, they only did by allowing Christ's Spirit to work through them?

Monday, March 14, 2016


by Kay Heitsch

I seldom know what I'm going to post every morning on Facebook. Today I thought about "Change." Really, I was thinking about the change of seasons from Winter to Spring. When I started to read the quotes on 'change,' my thoughts went in another direction.

The following quote hit home for me. "One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain."

This was true for me. I knew I needed change in my life, but I was familiar with the old. We may know something isn't right, but we get used to it. We're more afraid of change and what we may need to give up than what we'll gain if we do.

I can say I have been pleasantly surprised, and I mean amazed, to find out what I've gained from 'change' has been over and above what I gave up.

I can't say I've changed myself, but I can say that as I've allowed God to change me, it's been for the better, by far. My thoughts have changed for the positive by studying the Bible. Until I started to study the Bible, I never knew what a life-changing book it was. The Bible instructs a person on having a positive, abundant life right here on earth.

When I started to study the Bible, I was afraid of what I may need to give up. I was surprised that the very things I was instructed to give up, like worry, anger, hate, unforgiveness, etc., etc., were the same things that kept me from a great life.

Change can be a beautiful thing. Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Grateful Thoughts

by Kay Heitsch

When I saw this morning's quote, "Being grateful is the fastest way to get happy!" I knew it was for me.

On Friday, I drove to Columbus for our grandson Eli's 5th birthday. I came home yesterday. It's always fun to go there and see the excited look on Noah and Eli's faces when they see me. However, it's emotional for me to leave.

Today when I got up, I felt a little down. I went over on Pinterest and found this quote on being grateful. Boy, this really helped me feel happy when I thought about all of the things I have to be thankful for.

You'd think I should already know these things, and I do. But sometimes, like today, I needed a reminder to think grateful thoughts because these thoughts really do help me to feel happy!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


by Kay Heitsch

I know some people wonder what in the world is a 5' 1" almost 66-year-old woman doing shoveling snow. I wonder that, too, sometimes.

For the most part, I like being outside. Doing work like shoveling or mowing in the warmer months gives me a reason to be out.

I've found I can enjoy doing both IF I keep a positive attitude. By keeping a positive attitude, I mean thinking of good reasons for wanting to do this work. I guess I'm burning calories! This helps my heart and muscles! Being out here gives me time to think good thoughts. I love to see the snow sparkling and the beauty of the white snow. I wave at people passing by.

I know I can not allow myself to even start to go down the road of negative thinking. I know if I do, I will feel unhappy, and the job will be nothing but misery. Why would I want to do that?

My Bible text Matthew 11:28 & 29 today had the words "learn from Me" in it. If I really want to keep a good attitude while shoveling or mowing, I need to think about how Jesus handled life. I learned one BIG thing that when he was under stress, He kept his mouth shut! I don't know, but I bet Jesus didn't allow negative thoughts to fill his mind either. He stopped to help others. This has helped me too.

It snowed a lot more last night, but I see the sun trying to shine. I'll be out once again today. I ran out of gas in the snowblower yesterday, but I have more. I'll fill the tank up, but I'll just use little RED if it's windy.