Thursday, June 25, 2015

Overheard Conversation

by Kay Heitsch

As I got out of the car at the rest area, I noticed a couple talking while smoking cigarettes. At first, I'll admit I kinda had an attitude about them smoking. It ran across my mind, "Why would anyone still be smoking knowing how terrible it is for your health." As I approached them, I couldn't help but overhear what they were talking about. The woman said to the guy how she felt they should trust the Lord to bring divine connections into some person's life.

I stopped cold in my tracks. I was shocked to overhear these words. Hadn't I just been praying in the car right before I quit that the Lord would bring divine connections also into my children's lives? I didn't hold back but told them I had been praying for the exact same thing in the car before I stopped. I'll say they were as surprised as I was. We knew God was in control!

I believe the Lord arranged for me to stop at just the right time to meet these people. I also believe that He will bring divine connections into the lives of those we love too.

Little Blessings Mean A Lot

by Kay Heitsch

I was invited to go watch a minor league baseball game. I arrived at the park and drove around looking for field 2. As I drove, I stopped and asked several people if they knew where field 2 was. Each person I asked had no idea.

Finally, I decided to just park. I figured I would walk around and at least get some steps in as I looked. As I was getting out of the car, another car pulled in close to me. I noticed they had a little boy dressed in his baseball gear, so I asked if they had any idea where field 2 was. I was pleasantly surprised when the mom said, "That's where we're going. We got here late. Just follow us."

Now, this may not seem like a big thing, and it really isn't, but it meant a lot to me. Thank you, Lord, for once again helping me find my way.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Very Special Week

by Kay Heitsch

When a new week starts, we never know what God has in store for us. This past week brought one divine connection after another.

My week started when I got on Facebook and noticed I had a "friend request" from a man I didn't recognize. I've had this happen before, so I went over on messenger to send him a note asking how he knew me. To my surprise, Guy was asking if I was the Kay Heitsch in the book, Have a Great Day- Everyday! Who had written the letter in the front as the introduction? Guy had picked up this book in a used book store, and he was reading it on a flight. Wow, that book had been published in 1991. I accepted Guy's friend request, and he wrote an excellent comment under the story In Loving Memory of Todd in my notes on Facebook. A divine connection for sure!

Later this week, 3 other men came to the house to estimate the painting we needed to do. The first two were Christians. I was still really excited about my "friend request" on FB, so I shared the story with them. They were amazed to see how God was still using the letter after all these years. I gave each one a copy of the report.

On Thursday, the last man called to say he was on his way. I was having an issue with a UTI, and I planned to call the doctor at 9:00 when the office opened. Wouldn't you know when I answered the phone Don said he'd be at the house at 9:00? I don't know why I said, "Well yay! I'll see you soon!" but I did in a cheery voice. Believe me, I was not feeling like "Yay!"

When Don arrived, he read all the positive things I have hanging on the porch before he rang the bell. When I opened the door, he said, "When I heard your cheery voice this morning, I said to myself, "This is going to be a great day!" Don was smiling as he told me how he enjoyed reading what I had on the porch. Then he asked if I would walk around with him to show him what needed to be done. I had to tell him I wasn't feeling well and briefly told him what was needed as I headed for the bathroom.

When I came back out, Don mentioned that he was surprised I was so happy even though I had some issues. I told him it was a choice I made every day. No matter the circumstances, I knew I had a choice of what kind of attitude I would have. I shared about Todd and said I'd typed a Bible verse and had put it on the refrigerator years ago that read, "This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24 I then added at the bottom, "I CHOOSE to be HAPPY today!"

Don expressed that he was intrigued with this way of thinking. I shared with him, in between bathroom breaks, how my life had changed after Todd's death. I invited him to come to my office, where I spend my time with the Lord every morning. I showed him my old Bible and how it's falling apart from years of study. I told him I didn't come by this attitude by spending time sitting in a pew. (not that I think it's a bad idea) However, this kind of life is a total surrender to God's way of living. I showed him the Dr. Peale books the story "In Loving Memory of Todd" was written. Don was overwhelmed to see all the beautiful things that had come from the terrible tragedy of Todd's death. I also gave him the stories to take home. He said he would look for the book "Have a Great Day- Every Day! Online to buy.

When Don left that morning, he told me he didn't believe in coincidences. He thought that he was meant to meet me this day as it was his birthday. I believe he was absolutely right!

Later that day, I thought about the Bible text, "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28 Having the UTI was not good, but God used it to show Don that you can choose to be happy with a relationship with the Lord no matter the circumstances.