Friday, June 25, 2021

She Can't be Real

by Kay Heitsch.

This week we drove over to spend some time with Aunt Carmeleta. We don't see her very often since she lives in Tennesee. However, this past week her husband Ken drove their motor home to Michigan to attend their Campmeeting.
As always, it was great to see Aunt Carmeleta. She met us at the motor home door smiling. She gave us each a big hug and scurried around to make us comfortable.
The first time Bill met Aunt Carmeleta, he said, "She can't be real!" Bill had never met anyone so kind, loving, and full of mercy as Aunt Carmeleta. But after knowing her for well over 50 years, he knows she is.
I've been blessed to know Aunt Carmeleta my whole life. She has helped me more than she will ever know. When I'd tell her how people were talking bad about me, she would say, "Just keep being yourself." Aunt Carmeleta accepted me for who I was. I'm sure she saw areas I needed improvement in, but she only showed love, patience, and mercy to me.
Next month Aunt Carmeleta will be 89 years young. I say young because she never seems to age to me. She is still full of love, kindness, and mercy. She accepts people where they are, and oh yes, she is for real!

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Happy Father's Day Dad

by Kay Heitsch

My dad was born in 1910. Life was pretty rough for him as his mom died when he was 5. His father never remarried. He had 4 sisters, but they were less than enthusiastic about having a middle brother. I only know this because of the confessions of his sisters. My dad never said a mean word about these girls.
I was born when my dad was 40 years old. This was pretty old for a dad back in the '50s. Most people thought I was his granddaughter. He was really proud of having a little girl.
Dad had some issues that I'm sure were related to his troubled childhood. For example, he started to drink when he was 5 years old. He said he remembered falling down drunk at that age. He continued to drink for most of his life.
Even though dad had some issues, he did the best he could with what he had to work with. My mom would remind me of this, which now I think back, how very important that was for a child.
On this Father's Day, I'm thinking of my dad and all the dads who do the best they can with what they have to work with.
Happy Father's Day! God bless you all.