Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Power, Love, and a Sound Mind

 by Kay Heitsch

As many of you know by now, I've been asked to come to Dover First United Methodist Church in Dover, Ohio, and speak on April 27, 2014. When Nancy sent me the instant message on Super Bowl Sunday night asking me to give a message, I thought back about the first time I ever spoke publicly. As strange as it seems, it was also on Super Bowl Sunday night.

When the day of the talk came, it was freezing. However, I was anything but cold as I paced back and forth in the house. I was so stressed about the idea of speaking in public! I was terrified to talk about Todd's death for fear I would just lose it and cry my eyes out in front of people. I allowed these wild thoughts to fill my mind with fear and torment most of the day.

Finally, I knew I needed to start getting ready. I was in the bathroom putting on my makeup when it began. I felt a trickle of something coming from my nose. I grabbed a tissue then saw what this trickle was. It was blood! I had gotten so stressed that blood was actually coming from my nose. I put my head in the sink. The blood started to pour out of my nose. I began to panic. Now, what would I do? The clock was ticking, and it was almost time to leave.

From out of nowhere, this thought came to my mind. "Kay, I did not give you this spirit of fear. I give you power, love, and a sound mind." I was startled at first but felt a peace filling me. I knew this message was coming from the Lord. Later I learned that this message was actually a Bible verse. "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

My nose stopped bleeding, and I finished getting dressed. I grabbed a handful of tissues and got in the van. I shared what God had done using me to bring something positive out of Todd's death. It was a wonderful experience!

Ruth's Prayer

by Kay Heitsch

As I was about to leave the Memory Care Center, I bent over and gave Ruth* a hug. While I was hugging her, she whispered, "Do you mind if I say a prayer?" "Sure, go ahead, that would be nice," I answered. Ruth's prayer was short and to the point, but it was something I needed to hear.

Ruth prayed, "Thank you, Lord, for leading and guiding her here."

Wow, I pray each day that the Lord will lead and guide me. After Ruth's prayer, I knew that being at the Memory Care Center was exactly where God wanted me to be that day.

*Name changed

Are You The Person...

by Kay Heitsch

Over the six years, I worked at the Memory Care Center, I've been blessed to meet many beautiful people. One of those very special people was a resident named Ruth*.

Ruth and her husband had been missionaries for many years. Ruth enjoyed singing. Since she had a short-term memory problem every day, she would ask, "Are you the person I walk with and sing?" When I assured her that I was, Ruth would start walking along beside me.

I would grin and say, "Well, Ruth crank it up!" which she somehow knew meant to start singing.

Our first song would always be, God Bless America, next, Jesus Loves Me, and finally, Everybody Ought To Know Who Jesus Is. After we sang Ruth's three favorites, she would say, "Now it's your turn."

I smile when I think back on this memory. Ruth's memory may not have been what it once was, but she still wanted God to bless America. Ruth knew that Jesus loved her, and she wanted everyone to know who He is.

*Named changed