Sunday, December 17, 2023

Christmas Angels

By Kay Heitsch

One of my favorite Christmas memories was living in Dover, Ohio. My friend Ruth Ann, who has gone Home now, and I were in charge of getting "Angels" for the Christmas Eve service.
Several weeks before, we were busy calling teenage girls asking if they would like to be an "Angel" for the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Each girl we called was excited to be a part of the service.
The church was beautifully decorated by the altar committee. Jo Schilling, who has also gone Home now, was in charge. Everything looked wonderful.
The night of the service, the girls gathered in a room, putting on white gowns with a halo of gold tinsel on their heads. Each girl was given a long white unlit candle to carry. After they were all dressed and ready, they gathered in the narthex, waiting to walk in.
The night of the service was so touching. Music played softly, and the lights were turned down as each "Angel" walked down the long aisle with their unlit candle. As they came to the front of the church, our pastor, Rev Jim, stood with the "Christ's Candle," and the girls lit their candles off of it.
After lighting their candle, they went to the end of each row and lit the candle of the first person in the row. Then, as that person had their candle lit, they would light the candle of the person next to them.
After a few minutes, every candle in the church was glowing. Then, our organist, Linda, began playing "Silent Night," and everyone sang as we raised our candles in the air. Tears filled my eyes, and I'm sure others experienced the same loving feeling.
I had never been to a candlelight service, so this experience was new. I loved the symbolism this ceremony told. As we go to Christ, we receive His light/love. After we do, we light/touch the people around us, and His light/love continues.
I'll always remember this special Christmas memory. It has stayed with me all these years. I pray we will let His light shine for all the world.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Cabbage Patch Dolls

By Kay Heitsch (Funny Story)

Do you remember "Cabbage Patch" dolls? Years ago, those dolls were a big rage. Everyone wanted one, and the stores could not keep them in stock.
To get a doll, people were given a "rain check" they could use when a new supply came in. Even though Bill, my husband, was the General Store Manager of K-Mart, I did not get any special treatment.
I stood with my rain check, waiting to get a Cabbage Patch doll with everyone else. Listening to people whine and complain while waiting for their dolls was interesting.
Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I added to the conversation. With a straight face, shaking my head in disbelief, I spoke up, "You'll never believe this, but I actually slept with the manager of this store, and I'm still standing in line!" You could have heard a pin drop!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

When Tragedy Strikes

By Kay Heitsch

This past week, I have been overwhelmed to see on FB the way God has worked through the tragedy of the Tusky Valley bus accident. It didn't take long before businesses and people rose to the occasion to allow God to bring good out of this horrific situation.
We have lived in several states and many cities over the years. I can honestly say that living in this area opened my eyes to the goodness of God through people.
When Todd died in the car accident, we were pretty new to the area. I was shocked and overwhelmed by the love and support that total strangers gave me. I witnessed this again with this bus accident. People rose once again to the occasion to bring love and support.
Our Bible verse says. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 NLT
All things are not good! But God can cause everything to work together for good. I know this is true! I have personally witnessed it in my life. And now I'm seeing it again.
Even when tragedy strikes, God works through people to bring good out of it.
Thank you all for continuing to show God's love to me.

Terrible Tragedy

By Kay Heitsch

Last week there was a terrible tragedy in Ohio. A chartered bus, semi, and two cars were in a deadly accident. The charted bus carried band students and chaperones from Tusky Valley High School. Several have been killed and many injured.
Tusky Valley is located near where we lived in Ohio when Todd died in a car accident. So this hit home with me.
ABC News covered the story last night. It was heart-wrenching watching the report. As I watched the semi in flames, there was an explosion. I-70 was closed down on both sides for hours.
We never know what a day will bring. I'm sure everyone on this bus trip was as excited as Todd was to start the day. Little did anyone know what was ahead.
As a parent who has lived through the sudden death of a child, I send my prayers to all those who are suffering this horrific loss. Please know God will see you through and surround you with His love and comfort.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Do You Know Where God Lives?

By Kay Heitsch

When Eli, our grandson, was around three or four years old, he asked me a question that surprised me. He asked, "Ooma, do you know where God lives?"
Surprised by the question, I hesitated a second. Then Eli answered his question.
He looked up at me and, in his sweet baby voice, placed his tiny hand over his heart and said, "God lives in here."
To this day, I don't know how he knew this. Yes, Eli had heard some Bible stories, but they were written for preschool children.
Our Bible verse says. Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16 ESV
Never should we doubt that God makes Himself known. He let Eli know He was alive and well, living in his heart.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Little Things

By Kay Heitsch

It's the little things that mean the most. ~ Life Quotes ~
Looking back, I can see the little things that have meant the most to me. Do we realize how much little things matter?
This past weekend, we went to Ohio. Our son-in-law, Joe, immediately came out of the house smiling to welcome us. This was a little thing, but it made us feel welcomed.
Noah smiled and ran to greet us when he got off the bus. This was a little thing, but we felt loved.
When Shannon got home, she gave me a hug. This was a little thing, but I knew she cared.
Shannon and I walked up to Eli's school, and when he saw me, he came running with a big smile. This was a little thing, but I knew he was happy to see me.
When we arrived at Brandon and Veronica's house, Brandon handed GJ to me and helped carry things. He gave me a hug after he got into the house. This was a little thing, but I felt loved and welcomed.
Our daughter-in-law, Veronica, gave me a sweet little kiss and hug when she came downstairs in the morning. This was a little thing, but it made me feel welcomed and loved.
None of them realized how much these little things made me feel welcomed and loved.
Our Bible verse says, "Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you." Matthew 7:12
We will be kind and show love if we treat others how we want to be treated. We will be doing ourselves and others a favor if we put this verse into practice.
It's the little things that mean the most.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Write It Down

By Kay Heitsch

Write it down before you forget. ~ Life Quotes ~
Years ago, my friend Dimple told me I should write things that had happened. I thought at the time I would never forget. But I have forgotten many things I wish I could remember now.
A few years passed after Dimple gave me the suggestion, and I found a Bible verse that got my attention and brought back Dimple's words.
This is the verse. Write down for the coming generation what the Lord has done so that people not yet born will praise Him. Psalm 102:18
I did not have any grandchildren at the time. But my friend, Lisa, said maybe writing things down wasn't only for my grandchildren but for others.
I'm happy I started to write what the LORD has done in my life. I have the stories saved, and several have been published over the years. I want my grandchildren and others to know what the LORD has done so they will praise Him.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Is That You, Lord?

By Kay Heitsch

God knows there will be times when we question His voice. The good news is He keeps speaking amid our uncertainty. ~ Hearing God's Voice Quotes ~
God speaks to us in many different ways. Of course, the #1 way is through the Bible, but He also speaks in other ways.
Years ago, I was home alone in the bathroom doing my hair. All of a sudden, I heard a voice calling my name. I stepped out of the bathroom and looked around. No one was there. I felt no fear and thought I must have been mistaken. This happened two more times. I started to question. Is that You, Lord?
Finally, I remembered the story about Samual and said, "Speak, Lord, Your servant is listening."(1 Samuel 3:10).
Immediately, the phone rang. I answered it, and much to my surprise, it was the Peale Center calling, asking if they could get my permission to publish a letter I had written Dr. Peale.
After all of the beautiful things that have happened because of the publication of that letter, I know without a doubt the voice I heard that morning was the Lord's voice.
God knows there will be times when we question His voice. The good news is He keeps speaking amid our uncertainty.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Be Joyful In Hope

By Kay Heitsch

We had a big windstorm a few nights ago. You can imagine my shock when I saw what happened to Todd's geranium.
There wasn't much left of it, so I pruned it back. I'm hoping to see new growth in the months ahead.
That's life. We never know when a storm will blow through. But we can be joyful in the hope of seeing new growth.
Our Bible verse says. Be joyful in hope. Patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
When we have the Lord in our lives, He will help us to be joyful in hope and patient in our troubles as we stay faithful in prayer.

Friday, July 14, 2023

You Don't Know What Tomorrow May Bring

By Kay Heitsch

1988 started out great! In January, Bill had his best year. He received a $35.000 bonus which was a lot on top of his excellent salary.
We enjoyed skiing and planned to take Brandon on February 7th to celebrate. But February 6th changed those plans.
On February 6th, Todd was in a fatal car accident, and our life changed forever.
Today's Bible verse says. Please don't worry about tomorrow since you don't know what the day will bring. Proverbs 27:1
Today's Bible verse brought what I wrote about to my mind. You don't know what tomorrow may bring, so enjoy each day.