Thursday, June 25, 2020

A Little Bit of Encouragement

by Kay Heitsch

Very early this morning, I was sitting outside on the porch. I had hot rollers in my hair, and I was drinking coffee. I really wasn't expecting to see anyone.

As I was listening to the birds in the quiet of the morning, I thought, "I sure could use some encouragement, Lord."

As I was rocking in the chair, I saw a couple come walking towards me in the street. To be honest, I was kinda hoping this couple wouldn't notice me sitting on the porch with the rollers in my hair, but they did!

As they were walking by, the lady turned back and looked at me sitting on the porch. In a sweet, cheery voice, she said, "God bless you!"

This stranger's simple words, "God bless you," was just the little bit of encouragement I needed. Thank you, Lord.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

I Want What They Have

by Kay Heitsch

Many years ago, I was searching to fill a void in my life. I wasn't sure what was missing, but I knew something was. My search led me to the library.

I picked up a lot of books and read most of them. I wasn't a reader, and there I was in the library seemed funny to me. I also found humor in the idea that I was actually enjoying reading.

As I began reading, I hit on some stories of people who, at first, I thought were off the deep end. These people lived a life that seemed far-fetched to me. I had never met anyone who lived this way.

One guy, in particular, caught my attention. This man's name was Mr. Kraft. Mr. Kraft was starting a cheese business. He wasn't sure where he should sell his cheese, so he prayed and asked the Lord to direct his horse. Are you kidding me? I couldn't believe anyone would do such a crazy thing.

As odd as this was to me, it worked for Mr. Kraft. The horse always took him to the right places where the people wanted to buy his cheese. His business was a success! Kraft cheese is still around today.

I just knew I wanted what Mr. Kraft and these other people had. I wanted to live a life of boldness. I tried to step out into the unknown without fear or worry. I wanted to live my life without caring what other people thought. But what did they have that I didn't?

I learned that these people were Christians. I was not. These people didn't just sit in a pew and listen to some sermon every week; they lived in a personal relationship with the Lord. Mr. Kraft and these other people asked the Lord what to do, and they did it!

Once I became a Christian and started to live my life this way, it was a game-changer. I found what I was looking for. I've actually done some things that I'm sure most people would shake their heads at. Life has been an adventure!

I wanted what these people had. It took me some time to figure out what they had, but I'm so happy I did.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

No Coincidence

by Kay Heitsch

When I wrote out today's prayer on FB using the words, "Shelter in Your love, and peace in Your protection," I thought back on an old hymn I had played at Todd's funeral.

I wasn't a Christian at the time of Todd's unexpected death in a car accident. At Todd's calling hours, I asked that no religious music be played.

However, at the funeral, much to my surprise, I chose two hymns that were played. One was "Under His Wings," and the other "Because He Lives."

Anyone who knows the words to these two songs will surely see that it was no coincidence that I was guided to choose these hymns.

The words to these two songs gave me hope then and even more today. I somehow understood that because He lives, I could face tomorrow. Deep down, I knew I could trust Him.

Choosing those songs was no coincidence. I know today even more that I can shelter in God's love, and I have peace in His protection.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

How To Keep Your Sanity

by Kay Heitsch
Several years ago, our family welcomed foster children into our home. All in all, we had 11 children.

There were times when we had 7 children in our house at once. We had a newborn baby to teenagers. I don't need to go into all that this entails, but I'm sure most of you understand this is a lot of work.

I was raised as an only child. Having to deal with my own children was one thing but dealing with several at the same time was another. I had not experienced having siblings, so I didn't understand from a personal level how this interaction worked.

Having foster children, you are not only dealing with the children and their issues; you have their families and, of course, the social services. This can be a lot of stress at times.

One thing I learned that I would like to share is that I took time for myself. I had no time when the children were up, but I got up around 4:00 AM when everyone was still sleeping to spend time alone with the Lord. I read my Bible and prayed. I knew good and well that I was in way over my head, and I needed all the help I could get.

It was during this time I read this quote from Martin Luther. “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” Now I didn't spend three hours in prayer, but I did learn from this quote.

If you have a lot to do and you want to keep your sanity, it's best to receive all the help you can get! I found spending quiet time reading and praying helped me to do just that.