by Kay Heitsch
When your child dies, you live with a broken heart. It doesn't matter how many years go by; there is always a missing part of you. There are days you smile when you think about your child, but there are also days a tear will roll down your cheek out of nowhere. You may be going along, and all of a sudden, you have an overwhelming lonely feeling you can't explain.
When your child's birthday or the day they died comes along, your broken heart is more evident. Your feelings are right on edge. Holidays or family get-togethers can be the same way. It's at those times that the sense that something isn't right is staring you in the face.
I usually don't talk about these things, but for some reason, today, I thought I should. I know many parents who feel this same thing.
On these hard days, I have noticed God sends people who show His love in their kind words, actions, and even a tender hug when I need it. I call this a healing balm of love.
I've been blessed to have this balm of love pour into my broken heart at different times in my life, and I am thankful for it.
Does a broken heart ever heal? I don't know that it does, but I know that God will send a healing balm of love to help ease the pain through kind and loving people.