Sunday, September 29, 2024

Suddenly and Unexpectedly

 By Kay Heitsch

Never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you. ~ Life Quotes ~

Suddenly and unexpectedly, I started to have some severe health issues last month. I didn't know what hit me, but I felt my body was attacking me. It got so bad I could hardly get on or off the toilet without pain.
I kept doing what I usually did, although very slowly and with much pain. We had made plans to go out to eat with Bill's brother and his wife. I wondered what I would do if I had to go to the bathroom to get on and off the toilet.
When I went into the bathroom in one of the regular stalls, I was surprised to find a device to help me get on and off the toilet! I knew God understood my situation and had helped me!
I'm feeling better and better every day now, thanks to my daughter-in-law, a Rheumatologist, my friends, and God, my healer!
Never forget to be thankful for what God has done for you.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Seeing and Hearing

By Kay Heitsch

One thing I do know. Once, I was blind, but now I can see. ~ John 9:25
Something happened to me when I turned my life over to the LORD. I couldn't explain it, but I saw and understood things I had not before.
I not only saw how God was helping me now in my journey, but I also saw how He was with me all along, even when I didn't realize it.
When I studied the Bible, I saw and understood things I had never comprehended. It was amazing!
Our Bible verse says. But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. Matthew 13:16
We are most certainly blessed when our eyes and ears are opened to see and hear. It's hard to explain, but one thing I do know is that once, I was blind, but now I can see.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Let's Go Fancy

By Kay Heitsch

When our grandson, Eli, visited us, he surprised me by saying he would like to take us out to eat.
Eli pulled out his McDonald's gift card. It was cute when he said the card was worth $25, so we shouldn't eat more.
I asked if we should get takeout or eat inside, Eli said, "Let's go fancy" and eat inside.
Kids need to learn to give instead of always expecting to take.
I'm so proud of Eli!

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Proverbs 22:6

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Time To Say Goodbye

By Kay Heitsch

It's hard to say Goodbye. Noah loves to visit Papa and Ooma, where he is the center of attention. Noah says he wasn't crying this time; what was happening was that his eyes were sweating.
Noah didn't understand why he couldn't stay longer. He knew, but he was going by how he felt right then. We all do this at times.
Our Bible verse says. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
We can trust in the LORD even when we don't understand.

Friday, June 28, 2024

God's Great Love


God's Great Love By Kay Heitsch
Last week, I talked to Bill about this smiley mug. I've always liked them and said I'd like to buy one if I ever see one.
After leaving Aunt Carmeleta, I felt sad. We both cried as we hugged, saying goodbye and I love you.
We drove down the road a short way to Paris County Shoppe. Aunt Carmeleta's sister owns it, and I wanted to say hi.
Lo and behold, the cup I had told Bill I wanted was in the antique store window. I knew this was a wink from God.
Our Bible verse says, The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalms 126:3

I was filled with joy when I found this cup. It may not have been something great, but it showed God's great love for me.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Eagle Scout

By Kay Heitsch

Our grandson, Eli, is working towards becoming an Eagle Scout, the highest rank among Boy Scouts.
It's fitting to call this rank Eagle Scout because of how an eagle lives. Eagles are the type of bird that will soar high above the clouds and find the sunshine. They don't allow pesky birds to bother them. They rise higher and leave the pesky birds below.
Eagles symbolize vitality and power. With the totemic spirit of the eagle and its energy in life, like the eagle, an Eagle Scout feels ready to accept challenges and put their fears aside.
I have watched Eli work hard and do the things in life that will help him have the spirit of an eagle. He has met challenges at a young age and has put his fears aside to achieve them.
I do not know how many more years Eli will take to reach the rank of Eagle Scout, but when he does, I know he will be well-equipped to rise above the storms of life and be a productive member of society.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Family Get-Together

By Kay Heitsch

This last Sunday, we had a family get-together at our home. We had 17 people, my first time having so many people at the house. It made my heart happy to see Bill, his brothers, and his cousin together. Everyone seemed to have a good time. GJ and Freddy kept everyone entertained.
Funny, this started with only a few stopping over to see Brandon, Veronica, and the boys. As word spread, others wanted to come over, too, so we made it a potluck.
As most of you know, I went all out with my patriotic decorations as it was Memorial Day weekend. I've taken a few down, but I left several up. The 4th of July and the election are coming, so why take them down?
The skunk traps were removed right before the get-together. So no one had to step over the one trap. So far, the skunk hasn't come back.
The older I get, the more I realize how important it is to make good memories and spend time with family.
I so enjoyed having a house full of people here. I plan to do this again, God willing.