Friday, February 26, 2021

My Prayer Request

by Kay Heitsch

Many years ago, after reading Dr. Norman V. Peale's books, I prayed a prayer to meet him in person. I'll be honest; I had built Dr. Peale up in my mind. His books had changed my life.

In my prayer, I added this little line, "If I am going to be disappointed, please forget this request." I know that sounds funny, but I tell it like it is when I pray.

Since I was on Dr. Peale's mailing list, I received a brochure about Ohio's positive thinking seminar. Boy, I was excited because I lived in Ohio. I put this brochure on the counter in our kitchen.

Every day I would pray over this brochure. I thought this might be my opportunity to meet Dr. Peale. However, this seminar in Ohio came and went. I couldn't attend. I'll be honest; I was disappointed.

A few months later, I received a phone call from Ric Cox. He was the executive editor of PLUS Magazine. Ric conveyed to me that Dr. Peale was inviting me to his Positive Thinking Seminar in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Peale wanted to present me with his Norman V. Peale Award in person. Wow, this was amazing!

I could see that the Lord was answering my prayer. I was going to meet Dr. Peale in person. However, I was still wondering what kind of person he would be. Would he be stand-offish? Would he be arrogant and self-righteous? I didn't know what to expect.

All of my questions about Dr. Peale were answered when his eyes met mine. His eyes sparkled, and he glowed. His kind smile lit up the room. It was evident to everyone that God's love truly was shining through him.
Meeting Dr. Peale was one of the highlights of my life. After meeting him, I could see that God's love can shine through a person. I was not disappointed in any way. My prayer request to meet Dr. Peale was answered far and beyond what I expected.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Little RED to the Rescue

by Kay Heitsch

I had finished shoveling our driveway when I noticed our neighbor, who lives on a hill, starting to drive down his. I could see he was way over to the one side. I knew why because a couple of days before, someone had run into his brick mailbox and knocked it over. I figured he didn't want to get too close to it as it was still next to the driveway.

The snow had piled up on the side of the driveway. Between that and the snowplow dumping snow in the driveway, Sam got stuck. I saw him shoveling like mad as he must have been late to open his store.
Hearing the tires spinning, his wife came out to help. Since they are Korean, she's on the small side. I thought Little RED shovel, and I better go over and see if she could use some help.

We both were shoveling with earnest. In between, we would stop and try to push the van out of the bank. No luck! Finally, we gave it one more try, and we pushed it out! Yay!

I had to smile because I'm only 5'1" myself. Here we were, two little ladies pushing a big RED van out of a snowbank. Women power!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

I Give Up!

by Kay Heitsch

I had always been a strong-willed person. I didn't feel I needed God in my life. No matter what I had been through in the past, I was somehow able to deal with it. Then Todd died!

You don't know how you will react when you hear your child has died. I would have thought I would have fainted, screamed, or at least cried. I did none of these things.

Immediately, when I heard the tragic news that Todd had died in a car accident, I went into shock! Everything was hazy. I could see things going on, but I didn't feel like I was a part of it. I was so numb for a while I merely went through the motions of daily living.

Slowly, the numbness started to wear off. As the numbness wore off, I began to sink into depression. I was familiar with depression. I had several relatives who struggled with it. I did not want to live my life like this! I even had a few relatives who ended their own lives. This thought crossed my mind too.

One day this all changed. I had gotten Brandon, who was around 2 years old, and myself dressed. Once again, I was going to try to go to the grocery store. I had forced myself to get some groceries the week before. However, I never brought any home. While in the store, I reached for something Todd liked. When I realized I didn't need that anymore, I started to cry. I immediately grabbed Brandon out of the cart, left the cart in the aisle, and drove home.

I started to feel shaky as I thought about attempting to go to the grocery store again. Where was my own strong will I had always relied on? I was trying, but my own efforts were not working anymore!
I finally realized I needed God's strength to go on. I knelt down and admitted I needed help! I asked the Lord to please bring something positive out of Todd's death. I also said I was available if He could use me to do it. I give up! I had come to the end of myself.

As soon as I had prayed this prayer, I had a feeling of liquid love flow through my entire body. It was a fantastic experience! I knew now I had God's strength to do whatever I needed to do.
Today, I came across a quote. When our strength runs out, God's power begins. I found this to be true in my life.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Good Morning Todd

by Kay Heitsch

It was Saturday, February 6th, a cold day like today, the last time I saw you. I watched you walk to the backdoor and give Brandon a little hug.

Do you remember, I was standing at the sink, trying to defrost a frozen chicken in cold water? You said you wanted baked chicken for dinner that night.

I looked over at you going out the door. You smiled and said, "Later, Mom." Little did I know then how much later that would be.
It was about an hour after you left when the phone rang. On the other end of the line was one of the friends you had gone sledding with. He was calling to tell me there had been an accident.
At first, I thought you had had an accident on the sled. I asked where you were. The caller gave me the location, but I had no idea where that was.

I called your dad and gave him the location of the accident. Next, I called Shannon, who was over at the neighbor's house. Then you know me, I started to vacuum.

A few minutes later, the phone rang. It was Judy. Since she knew you had taken the car, she asked if I needed a ride to the hospital. I said yes, and asked her to send Shannon home to watch Brandon.

Todd, when I walked into the hospital ER and gave my name, no one asked for my insurance card. I thought that was odd. I noticed other people were standing around. When I said my name, they all looked over at me. When I looked at them, they seemed to look down. It wasn't hard to read body language that day. I knew something was seriously wrong when the nurse asked me to wait in a small room where a doctor would come and speak with me. I knew you were gone.

As I walked out of the hospital that day, the sun was shining. I didn't know how it could. Now I do know! God was going to bring some fantastic things out of the tragedy of that day. I want to Let the SON Shine! in your memory. This year I gave a friend the book Have a Great Day Every-Day! that has the letter I wrote Dr. Peale in about you.
I will always love you and thank the Lord for the good times we had together. You are thought of and loved by many people Todd.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Look for the Good

by Kay Heitsch

Just live your life and look for the good in others. Share God's love with everyone you meet. ~ Share God's Love Quotes ~
When Todd died, I was not a Believer. I had a couple of teenage girls who came to visit me quite often. Evy and Susan didn't judge me because I wasn't a Believer, even though they were. They looked for the good in me. What I experienced from them was God's, unconditional love. It was this love that drew me to Him.
It's not up to us to decide who we need to show God's kindness and love to. We are to show God's unconditional love to everyone.
Today's Bible verses say, "Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening]." 1 Corinthians 13:7 AMP "By this, all people will know that you are My disciples if you have love for one another.” John 13:35 ESV
God's love looks for the best in each and every one! When we see people loving everyone, we will know who they are! They are Jesus' disciples.
Just live your life and look for the good in others. Share God's love with everyone you meet.